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Dr. Larry Visser
Minister of Music
(616) 454-7204
Spending much of my time in a beautiful sanctuary playing an equally awe-inspiring pipe organ, I am often reminded that my life, too, is a sanctuary, a vacant space desiring to be filled with the power of the Spirit and overflowing with gratitude for the ways God uses my musical gifts—not for personal gain, but for his glory—to minister to all those who seek to meet God in worship.
Just as God used imperfect, yet gifted musicians—David the psalmist; J. S. Bach the musical theologian; G. F. Handel, whose “Hallelujahs” still speak to a post-modern world; Maurice Durufle’, whose “Requiem” evokes the music of heaven; John Rutter, whose melodies and harmonies bring sweet smiles; Keith Getty, whose hymn writing speaks to the heart—to carry out his work of ministry, it is my prayer that God will use the music I share from various historical periods and styles to bring spiritual purpose, meaning, and enrichment to the lives of a diverse congregation.