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Rev. Ruth Boven

Minister of Congregational Life

(616) 454-7204

I’m Ruth—to most people. Mom—to a few people. Jenny (a term of endearment)—to one person. Here at LaGrave folks call me Pastor Ruth, Pastor Boven, and Rev. Boven. I’m OK with any of them. I graduated from Calvin Seminary in 2005 with a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained at Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church in October of that year. I came to LaGrave in July of 2014 and am deeply grateful to spend time with people who, along with their journey of life and faith, seek to know the love of Christ and the comfort and joy of his presence, grace, and peace. One great aspect of my work is the one-on-one conversations—about deep spiritual truths, and about everyday life. Please consider yourself invited to stop by and tell me about a God-sighting, ask a tough faith question, or discuss your latest fiction read (one of my all-time favorites is A Prayer for Owen Meany).


The number of people that lived in our home when I was a child.


The number of bathrooms in my childhood home.


The number of sisters with whom I fought for mirror time.