The Pipe Organ at LaGrave
The pipe organ has a rich and lasting tradition at LaGrave, serving as the primary instrument for leading our congregation in weekly worship throughout the church’s history. Past organs and organists have highlighted the importance of music in our church life. Today, our full-time Minister of Music plays the current organ, guiding our worship in musical prayer and praise for generations to come.
The George and Wilma VanWesep Memorial Organ
Our current organ, named the George and Wilma VanWesep Memorial Organ, was generously gifted by Richard and Helen DeVos in memory of Helen’s parents. Installed and dedicated in the fall of 1996, this organ is a collaborative masterpiece between the Austin Organ Company (Opus 2765) of Hartford, Connecticut, and the Allen Organ Company of Macungie, Pennsylvania.
Technological Excellence and Unprecedented Design
This organ is among the most technologically advanced instruments, combining 76 ranks of pipes built by the Austin Organ Company and 32 ranks of digital voices created by the Allen Organ Company. The instrument’s 108 ranks are divided over five manuals and a pedalboard, with voices speaking from both the main chancel and the antiphonal organ in the balcony. The antiphonal organ also features a Trumpet en Chamade rank of horizontal trumpets.
Versatility and Dynamic Diversity
Our organ is a world-class instrument known for its immense color and dynamic range. It excels in various roles, from supporting congregational singing to accompanying our choirs with sounds ranging from the softest tones to the fullest ensembles. Its versatility allows it to play organ repertoire from all periods, from Baroque to contemporary, with exceptional skill.
Community Engagement and Concerts
LaGrave extends its musical outreach to the community by hosting public concerts and recitals. Notable artists such as Carlo Curley, Dame Gillian Weir, John Scott, and Dr. James Kibbie have graced our organ. Our own organist, Dr. Larry Visser, frequently presents recitals, including those in conjunction with our art exhibition, “Inspirations.” The organ is also featured on the CD “LaGrave Organ Favorites,” available for order by contacting our church office.
GREAT ORGAN: Manual II Unexpressed
16’ Violone (61 pipes) 8’ Principal (61 pipes) 8’ Violone (12 pipes) 8’ Harmonic Flute (56 pipes) 8’ Bourdon (61 pipes) 5-1/3’ Gross Quinte (12 pipes) 4’ Octave (61 pipes) 4’ Open Flute (61 pipes) 2-2/3’ Twelfth (61 pipes) 2’ Super Octave (61 pipes) 1-3/5’ Tierce (49 pipes) IV Fourniture (244 pipes) III Cymbal (183 pipes) 16’ Double Trumpet (61 pipes) 8’ Trumpet (12 pipes) 4’ Clarion (12 pipes) Tremulant Chimes (25 tubes) Symphonic Bells (existing) Harp (existing) Celesta (existing) Zimbelstern (new) Great/Choir Transfer (Digital) Swell 16 Swell 8 Swell 4 Choir 16 Choir 8 Choir 4 Solo 16 Solo 8 Solo 4 Antiphonal 16 Antiphonal 8 Antiphonal 4 Ancillary 16 (Digital) Ancillary 8 (Digital) Ancillary 4 (Digital) Bass Coupler (Digital) MIDI (Digital)
SWELL ORGAN: Manual III Expressive
16’ Rohrgedeckt (12 pipes) 8’ Geigen Principal (61 pipes) 8’ Rohrflöte (61 pipes) 8’ Viole de Gambe (61 pipes) 8’ Voix Celeste (56 pipes) 4’ Geigen Octave (61 pipes) 4’ Flûte Harmonique (61 pipes) 2-2/3’ Nasard (61 pipes) 2’ Blockflöte (61 pipes) 1-3/5’ Tierce (49 pipes) IV Plein Jeu (244 pipes) 16’ Basson (12 pipes) 8’ Trompette (61 pipes) 8’ Hautbois (61 pipes) 8’ Voix Humaine (61 pipes) 4’ Clairon (61 pipes) Tremulant (Voix Humaine & Swell) Swell 16 Swell Unison Off Swell 4 Solo 16 Solo 8 Solo 4 Antiphonal 16 Antiphonal 8 Antiphonal 4 Ancillary 16 (Digital) Ancillary 8 (Digital) Ancillary 4 (Digital) Solo to Swell Expression (Digital) Choir to Swell Expression (Digital) Ancillary to Swell Expression (Digital) MIDI (Digital)
CHOIR ORGAN: Manual I Expressive
16’ Quintaton (61 pipes) 8’ Suavial (61 pipes) 8’ Gedeckt (61 pipes) 8’ Dulciana (61 pipes) 8’ Unda Maris (49 pipes) 4’ Principal (61 pipes) 4’ Spillflöte (61 pipes) 2’ Octave (61 pipes) 1-1/3’ Quinteflöte (61 pipes) IV Scharf (244 pipes) 8’ Trompete (61 pipes) 8’ Krummhorn 61 pipes) 4’ Rohr Schalmei (61 pipes) Tremulant Major Bells (existing) Harp (existing) Celesta (existing) Choir 16 Choir Unison Off Choir 4 Swell 16 Swell 8 Swell 4 Solo 16 Solo 8 Solo 4 Antiphonal 16 Antiphonal 8 Antiphonal 4 Ancillary 16 (Digital) Ancillary 8 (Digital) Ancillary 4 (Digital) MIDI (Digital)
SOLO ORGAN: Manual IV Expressive
8’ Cello (61 pipes) 8’ Cello Celeste (61 pipes) 8’ Flûte Harmonique (61 pipes) 8’ Trompette Harmonique (61 pipes) 8’ Tuba Mirabilis (61 pipes) 8’ Corno di Bassetto (61 pipes) 8’ English Horn (61 pipes) Tremulant 8’ Trompette en Chamade (Ant) (61 notes) Solo 16 Solo Unison Off Solo 4 Antiphonal 16 Antiphonal 8 Antiphonal 4 MIDI (Digital)
ANTIPHONAL ORGAN: Manual V Unexpressed
8’ Principal (61 pipes) 8’ Spitzflöte (61 pipes) 4’ Octave (61 pipes) 2’ Super Octave (61 pipes) IV Mixture (244 pipes) 8’ Petite Trompette (61 pipes) Tremulant 8’ Trompette en Chamade (61 pipes) Antiphonal 16 Antiphonal 4 MIDI (Digital)
ANCILLARY ORGAN: Floating – Expressive
8’ Diapason (Digital) 8’ Flûte Bouchee (Digital) 8’ Salicional (Digital) 8’ Voix Celeste (+) (Digital) 8’ Voix Celeste (-) (Digital) 8’ Muted Viole Celeste II (Digital) 8’ Flauto Dolce (Digital) 8’ Flûte Celeste (Digital) 4’ Prestant (Digital) 4’ Flûte à fuseau (Digital) 2-2/3’ Nasard (Digital) 2’ Flûte à bec (Digital) 1-3/5’ Tierce Digital) IV Mixture (Digital) 8’ Trompette (Digital) 8’ French Horn (Digital) 8’ Vox Humana (mp) (Digital) 8’ Vox Humana (pp) (Digital) Tremulant (Digital) Gallery On (Digital) Chancel Off (Digital) Tuning (Digital)
32’ Contre Basse (Digital) 32’ Contre Gambe (Digital) 32’ Contre Bourdon (Digital) 16’ Open Wood (Digital 16’ Principal (32 pipes) 16’ Subbass (32 pipes) 16’ Violone (Gt) (32 notes) 16’ Gambe (Digital) 16’ Rohrgedeckt (Sw) (32 notes) 16’ Lieblichflöte (Digital) 16’ Quintaton (32 notes) 8’ Octave (32 pipes) 8’ Viole (Digital) 8’ Bourdon (12 pipes) 8’ Rohrflöte (Sw) (32 notes) 4’ Choralbass (32 pipes) 4’ Nachthorn (32 pipes) 2’ Nachthorn (12 pipes) IV Mixture (128 pipes 32’ Contra Bombarde (Digital) 32’ Kontra Fagott (Digital) 16’ Bombarde (32 pipes) 16’ Double Trumpet (Gt) (32 notes) 16’ Fagotto (Digital) 16’ Basson (Sw) (32 notes) 8’ Trompette (12 pipes) 8’ Hautbois (Sw) (32 notes) 4’ Clairon 12 pipes 4’ Rohr Schalmei (Ch) (32 notes) 2’ Rohr Schalmei (Ch) (32 notes) Chimes Great 8 Swell 8 Swell 4 Choir 8 Choir 4 Solo 8 Solo 4 Antiphonal 8 Antiphonal 4 Ancillary 16 (Digital) Ancillary 8 (Digital) Ancillary 4 (Digital) MIDI (Digital)
Special finish oak case with contrasting handrubbed walnut interior.
198 walnut drawknob shanks.
Manual and pedal sharps of walnut, naturals of mammoth tusk.
Console Controller with Performance Recorder.
Smart MIDITM (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
Sixteen memory capture action (individually lockable) with programmable Crescendo and Tutti.
Expression and Crescendo bar graph indicators.
Expression pedals: Ancillary, Solo, Choir, Swell, Crescendo
General pistons: 1-30
Divisional pistons: 1-7
Reversible and toe pistons: 52