
  • Expanding Worship in Cuba

    Expanding Worship in Cuba

    It all started when a former LaGrave minister retrieved a letter out of the trash in 1957. If you were at last Sunday’s evening service and dinner afterwards, you found that out and more:how delicious authentic Cuban food and drink is;the church in Cuba has had angels at their sides; most Cubans subsist on $20.00 a […]

  • Collecting Bibles!

    Collecting Bibles!

    By: Connie VanDykeThank you to all who participated in the collection of used Bibles in May! Please pray for the people who receive the Bibles you donated. Here is how that collection came about. An ad in the April issue of The Banner caught my attention: USED ENGLISH BIBLES NEEDED! I had several Bibles that […]

  • Crossroads Art Exhibit

    Crossroads Art Exhibit

    The Crossroads prison Ministries Art exhibit, is open in the Parlor gallery and will be up through August 27! The artwork is by prison inmates who are involved in the Crossroads Prison Ministries Bible Study program. This program offers the inmates a Bible lesson which they complete and send to a mentor. The mentor reviews […]

  • Email Communication Updates

    Email Communication Updates

    We want to provide our congregation with the best possible communication, and a large part of that is our email communication. Currently, we have over 1000 people who have subscribed to our “Email Blasts.” These emails provide our congregation with valuable information about what is happening in the church. For some homebound members, it is […]